Friday, January 16, 2009

14 Weeks and a long needed update

Today as I ponder back past the few weeks, I am filled with thanksgiving that our little bundle of joy is doing so well. I have been back to the doctor 3 times since my last post and baby Talbert is doing well. January 7th we heard the heartbeat on the doppler monitor for the first time and that was truly a miracle and blessing to hear. We saw our baby through the ultrasound two times before that, at 6 weeks, and at 8 weeks. I have been so busy lately and apologize for now posting any sooner. I plan on updating once a week from here on out. Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's. Ours was great. We spent Christmas Eve at church all day with 3 separate services, that all went well and spent Christmas with my family here in Bella Vista. A few highlights of our Christmas together was: going to see Marley and me (truly an amazing movie, but so sad at the end), opening presents for the future Talbert, being together, Tony's cooking (yes, my husband is a wonderful cook), and family time. New Year's Eve was fun here at our hous with our good friend Russell and Meredith (family and friends all in one), their little dog Belle, and my other friends from church Lesley and Carson. We watched Mama Mia and, of course watched the ball drop. For New Years, I hung out with my good friend Lesley at the mall and we went to see Four Christmases, which was hilarious. Our next doctors appointment is in the beginning of February. We will find out if we are having a little boy or little girl in 5 weeks (I can't wait!!!). The journey of going to three doctors, and finding out that I may never be able to have children and now having a child grow inside me is so amazing. My doctor is wonderful and she is a blessing to have there beside me the whole way. She is actually the same doctor that delivered the Duggar's (you should check out their show on TLC- 18 kids, CRAZY) last three children. The official due date is July 19th! I know I will be able to spend a few weeks at home with the baby, and then will need to return to work, but I am so excited that our baby will be able to have childcare right at the preschool that is in the church that I work at! That will be a huge blessing because I can go check on him/her throughout the day and still be able to work too! Well, that is all I have for an update for today, but will be updating a lot more regular in the coming weeks. Happy New Year and blessings to you all!

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